Post-game Press Conference - Penn State Players (Central Michigan)

Sean Clifford | QB | R-Sr. +
Q: In some ways, could this game be what you needed? You're 3-0. Everybody's talking about it. You beat Auburn badly. Was this in some ways good to bring the team back down a little bit?
A: I don't think that it's ever 'what you needed'. We have a standard that we try to uphold every single day. I thought that the week of prep that we had was fantastic. It wasn't that we had a bad Wednesday, or a bad Tuesday, or that we weren't locked in on Thursday. This team is very locked in. But at the same time, when Saturday comes around, we have to make sure that we're executing at a high level. I thought that it was up and down for everybody.
Q: Is there anything specific when you start really strong, finish really strong and have something in the middle. Is there anything specific that you can look to in your game that was the reason for it or anything that you are able to correct specifically?
A: It's just hard right now because there's a lot of things that happened on the field. And you're like, where'd that come from? Or what happened? Because it's just tough to evaluate everything off the rip. We just didn't complete any deep passes today. That's something I know. I'm going to see that on film and want to get back. Probably getting through progressions a little bit quicker. I got back in the progressions, but I think that I could have gone even faster. Other than that, it's hard to judge
Q: Sean, you got two freshmen running backs that now both went over 100 yards. Kaytron's cut on the touchdown. You have the best view to look at that. Talk about what he does inside, his vision, and just to have the confidence and two true freshmen that can run the ball for you.
A: I think that that's the key with Kaytron Allen is his vision. He's extremely gifted naturally, and he's got a lot of room to grow. He knows that and comes to work every single day. He takes criticism, he takes the competition. I think that him, Nick (Singleton), Keyvone (Lee) and Devyn (Ford), all four of them really just bring a lot of energy to the whole team. I saw Devyn was even quoted and people were speaking extremely highly of him. That's nothing new for us. We all know who Devyn Ford is. He's a fantastic dude, he holds the standard. He holds everybody to the standard. Even through competition, he does a great job. I think it starts with the older guys, but the young guys are yeah, for sure.

PJ Mustipher | DT | Sr. +
Q: Do you feel like there's a different energy now that you guys understand all of it? Do you see guys kicking it into another gear?
A: Yeah, definitely. When you're more comfortable, it helps you play faster. Anytime you're able to play fast, you're able to get the stuff you want in the games and turnovers and sacks. It's starting to come but we have to just let the game come to us. Everything will happen when it's supposed to.
Q: I think there's a little bit of similarity to last year in that you guys have had some really big wins and some gritty wins. I've seen a lot of last year in this year. How do you motivate the guys to keep this thing going?
A: It's really just focusing on game to game, not looking ahead and not looking at anything else but the opportunity that presents itself from day to day. We have to take each day seriously, whether it's tomorrow or whether it's Monday. Our preparation is key and if we can focus on what we're doing that day, then it'll just carry on throughout the season and we'll be right where we want to be.
Q: What kind of growth have you seen from the defense, some of these young guys whether its Abdul (Carter), Curtis (Jacobs), or any of the guys? When you look at the film, what haven't we seen that you've seen from this defense that everybody should be encouraged about?
A: How fast we're playing, how fast those guys are playing and they're flying around making plays. They're really making everybody around them better and when you can do that as a player, I think that speaks dividends to who you are. I think we have a lot of guys that take their craft serious and it's really starting to show up on the field. Speaking of Abdul, speaking of Curtis and guys like that. They're taking the next step. They're only going to make our defense that much better.

Barney Amor | P | R-Sr. +
Q: That punt that took a 90-degree turn to the right on you, obviously you aim for the corner and I bet there are many techniques on that but were you surprised as everyone else that it worked out that way?
A: I would say that's like 70% skill, 30% everything else: wind, block, how wet the ground is, everything like that. But we also have different variations to make sure that guys are getting down there. So if it does kick back as it did, I think it was my last punt that landed on the three, there are guys in the endzone to make sure that if it does kick back, they are there to stop it.
Q: You've had a fair share of good bounces this year. Do you feel like you've kind of gotten the luck of the bounce at times? Maybe not luck but you go this is going well?
A: Yes. It could be a completely other story right with you guys asking me why the ball in the endzone every single time is. But it's an array of things. These are things we practice. You guys watch when I warm up, it's the first thing I do, that backspin. I've been doing that three, four, five, six times a week. It all adds up in the end.
Q: Has this kind of been the balls for you in training camp and the summer or was there a period where it was going in the endzone, and you're like alright what's going on here?
A: Yeah, it's kind of one of those things where you control what you can control. For me, my job is to put the ball inside the 10. So, if that ball lands anywhere inside the 10, that is me doing my job. But like last week when it lands like three blades of grass from the endzone, that's a little questionable. But if I'm putting it inside the 10, I know the other guys with bullets are getting down there, they're going to help.
Zakee Wheatley | S | R-Fr
Q: What were you appeased within the first half and the second half what you would change about it?
A: In the first half I was pleased with how we just came out, a lot to work on but we will deal with that tomorrow, watch our film and everything. And in the second half, we came back out with the right mindset and showed them out.
Q: Can you talk about your interception and the amount of turnovers you guys continue to create as a team?
A: It takes all 11 on the field. The d-line, (Ji'Ayir Brown), and whoever else caused the heavy hit causing the quarterback to make a bad throw. I just do what I do and try to get above.
Q: You were the takeaway king in spring and summer camp, how does it feel to see it translate to a real game?
A: It feels great. But I can't let it get to my head, got to keep working. I haven't done as much as I wanted to, but I will keep pushing every day, getting better, and keeping up with the team and go from there.

Kalen King | CB | So.
Q: Four games now you guys have become a turnover machine, talk about what effect that has had on this game and on this team overall.
A: I feel like ever since Manny Diaz has gotten here, he is just stressing turnovers, having a ball, ball disruption and we implement it every day in our drills and stuff like that. So I think all those things just chipped in to just make us a very dangerous team as far as turnovers and disruptions.
Q: Do you guys feel momentum shifting when you create a turnover? Can you feel that?
A: Yes definitely. It changes the game. Any turnover or turnover on downs changes the game and it just gives it a splash. It gives momentum naturally.
Q: After the Purdue game Joey got a lot of publicity after six pass breakups or something, but how do you feel like your whole corner room is from top to bottom?
A: I feel like this is the best corner room I've ever been a part of my whole football career. We got so many people like me, Joey Porter, Marquis Wilson and we got our freshmen camp. We all work hard in practice and this is really no surprise because we put in the work and compete with each other every day.
Brenton Strange | TE | R-Jr.
Q: What makes Nicholas Singleton so unique?
A: I think all of the running backs are special. They have everything that they need to possess to be a good back like speed, strength, and agility. All three of those things I'd say he does all of them very well and possesses all those skills. 
Q: What's it like for you being a more focal point of the offense these last couple of weeks now?
A: I'm just happy to do my role. I'm happy to play my role. Whenever my number's called and whatever they asked me to do, I'm happy to do. Tight ends are really unique because they get to do everything so I'm just happy to do my role and whenever my number's called I hope to execute.
Q: James was talking about how you guys won a lot of statistical battles, but it didn't feel like it. What was your reaction to that? Did it feel like that to you guys today?
A: I mean, when you're playing the game, you don't really focus on the turnover battle or the explosive play battle. I don't really pay attention to stuff like that. I just focus on the next play. Whatever happened in the last play I'm not really worried about.. Just next play mentality always.

Johnny Dixon | CB | Jr.
Q: With two sacks and interceptions today, how comfortable do you feel in your role?
A: I try to keep learning more and try to keep doing more so I can do it.
Q: You started off hot with your first and second drive, but they had those two long scoring drives. On the bench how do you guys refocus and get yourselves back up and ready to go?
A: We stay level and stay the same. Things stayed the same, same level, we just worked on each other and we tried to make plays.

Q: What did you guys, after those two drives, really improve on that helped you because after those two drives, you guys had a shut-out the remainder of the way?
A: We just locked back in. We started off slow and sluggish and then we just turned it up.

Caedan Wallace | OL | R-Jr.
Q: Kaytron Allen did seem to come in and give the team a lift rushing, did you guys notice that? I know everything's behind you so you can't exactly tell.
A: : Yeah, especially playing a line. Like you said, everything's behind us. So every time Kaytron or really any of our running backs are in, it's always nice to just see them take off.
Q: I wanted to ask about Kaytron (Allen) and his ability to turn four- or five-yard plays into 10 yard plays. How much does that change what you guys can accomplish?
A: I mean, honestly, it gives us a spark. Playing O-line whenever you see guys breaking through the gap in just 10 yards, 15 yards, they give us a spark to keep going, and keep trying to have a few runs like that today.
Q: What does it say when it comes to freshmen that one of them has rushed roughly 200+ in three-straight games?
A: There's something up. They saw an opportunity and they take it.

Curtis Jacobs | LB | So.
Q: How satisfying is it that the offense turned to turnovers and touchdowns after a little bit of a struggle?
A: That's probably the most important part, being able to capitalize on those mistakes. That's what great teams do and we need to keep doing that.
Q: PJ (Mustipher) just said a few minutes ago that he went up to Barney (Amor) at practice and just thanked him for being him.  Do you guys watch him when he's punting the ball and he's able to flip the field and give you guys those short field to defend?
A: I love what Barney does. He's an incredibly important part of the team. He just comes to work every day with a different kind of mindset. That's why we got to love Barney. He's a really big leader on this team.
Q: Where do you think you're at? Four games going in, and the rest of your games against Big Ten opponents, where's this team?
A: I think we're in a good place. Obviously we won today, that's the goal every week to be 1-0. We're just going to go back in tomorrow and improve on the stuff we didn't do right. There's a couple of things we didn't do right, and we just have to be able to execute those situations.

Parker Washington | WR | So.
Q: I'm interested in Kaytron (Allen) because he came in and seemed to give you guys a lift. How do you think he's unique as his running style?
A:  That whole running back room is dynamic not just Kaytron alone. They all work so hard every day each week. They just need to make those plays out there, he's going to be dynamic all season.
Q: In the first half, running the ball wasn't working. Sean was really throwing the ball around to a little bit of everybody. What do you think was so great about how balls were moving down the field so quickly?
A: Just being able to take what the defense gives us is a big key for us and we did a good job today with that. And I feel like that will help us in the future because we have to be as balanced as we can.
Q: You had nice couple of good plays and long balls down the field, sharing it around. What does that mean to you, to have so many receivers that are there and can make that play?
A: Just the trust in the room, that's the key. Being able to trust all the receivers, and that just comes from practice  as well. As soon as those guys make those plays in practice, we feel confident in them coming in, so I feel like that was a big key for us that I was excited to see.